Cofiroute is a french major motorway builder and operator. Its latest addition is the first leg of the dual level A86 which will eventually link Reuil Malmaison with Versailles in a little bit more than 10 minutes instead of 45 minutes through current road links french, but the animation shows how it works)
The motorway is
entirely set underground,
in a two level tunnel,
each coming up with 3 lanes of dedicated single way traffic
so accident by frontal collision should be impossible
Trucks and two wheelers are banned together with vehicle higher than 2.80 meters
As the company will have to recoup costly and lengthy investment, access won't be free
Cofiroute offers 35 % off its published fare to customers who accept purshasing a LIBER-T (shortning of Liberté, ie Freedom) electronic pass.
So in order to reach the largest number of potential customers, the company's sales department has been standing up-front

at La Défense Business District,
starting with 4-Temps shopping mall for quite a few days
and supplemented by large billboard affixed on Elysées-La Défence front and visible from all over the adjacent plazza, across which thousands walk back and forth day-in, day-out.

Today, a customized van hosting a complete sale office has been added to the operational plan.