others pay attention to another marquee just a couple of yards away.

Colgate and UFSBD, France's non-profit society for Dental Healf and Protection jointly campagn in favor of a 3rd daily tooth cleaning set for after lunch time,
Office staff members being briefed of what's up inside.
Once inside, a dental cleaning kit consisting of a tooth-brush, a sample tooth paste tube and a sample of PLAX mouth lotion, together with an hard paper disk and a plastic cup come next as give-aways. The models behind the latters are for display.

Before entering this inflated bubble shaped marquee, one normally fills and signs a form of visit, which in turn will call for donating a similar kit to an homeless. Actual hand over to beneficiaries will be undertaken by the french social dedicated department of the EMS.
Then comes time for washing one's teeth.
Upon request, a dentist performs a lookup.
When back to the open air, I sized the opportunity to capture on memory card this
Merry-go-round which is not only a fixture of the plazza, but one of the earliest resident attraction as well. It originally sat close to the 4-temps shopping mall, but was moved across this part of the plazza to its current location a few years ago.

Before entering this inflated bubble shaped marquee, one normally fills and signs a form of visit, which in turn will call for donating a similar kit to an homeless. Actual hand over to beneficiaries will be undertaken by the french social dedicated department of the EMS.
Then comes time for washing one's teeth.
Upon request, a dentist performs a lookup.
When back to the open air, I sized the opportunity to capture on memory card this

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