Member of Auchan group of companies, Décathlon has picked up a strategic location in the rejuvenated CNIT/Convention & Exhibition National Center to set up a new sport and leisure focused department store. Today, France number 1 retail company in sport goods proceeds to the grand opening of its newest addition.
To better go along with the event, and not deterred by bad weather, Décathlon also pitched its village of marquees and attractions on the central plazza at the foot of the now rejuvenated CNIT and close by the Grande Arche.
The stage is set until next Sunday.
As far official bodies are concerned, local based non profit societies focusing in sport together with dedicated federations have been invited to set up a field office.
While a Sécurité Civile (Lifeguard dept) ambulance referred as Pluton (Pluto) 925 stays on alert for bruises in case of.
Supervised by specialized instructors, attractions are to allow free sampling of quite a few sports including
Poney riding, the large white marquee behind houses Judo and combat sports
and Golf
Not yet the rush hour as it's not yet lunch time either. Ranging from dedicated instructors to Pluto 925's crew members, everyone is already on the alert.
Supervised by specialized instructors, attractions are to allow free sampling of quite a few sports including
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