Action took place close by the merry-go-round and Calder's towering red arches.
samedi 26 septembre 2009
EasyJet's newest fleet member - part II

Donning rampie's overalls, two crew members are tasked with attention getting with a loud speaker. Once job is done, then comes time in giving details on the event. In the meantime, the blimp gets some blessings from the business district church
For those in need of something to let time go by, and acting as stewardesses, Barbara, Lucie and Marie do a distribution of peanuts.
Media members start gathering.
The gondola is filled with 1,000 (recycles) paper planes, 20 of which are the winning ones
Now hovering at level 15 meters/45 feet, the balloon acts as an effective attraction. Lunch goers start coming-in.

Libellés :
La Défense,
Tethered Balloon
vendredi 25 septembre 2009
EasyJet's Newest Fleet Member debuts at La Défense
Neither a departing Boeing 737-700, nor the latest Airbus A319 delivered, and not a jetliner either, EasyJet's newest fleet member recorded its first official sortie to and from La Défense central plazza.
The newest fleet addition is in fact a tethered balloon flying high the airline's bright orange and white colors,
The newest fleet addition is in fact a tethered balloon flying high the airline's bright orange and white colors,

Libellés :
Airbus A319,
Boeing 737-7,
Grande Arche,
La Défense,
Tethered Balloon
jeudi 24 septembre 2009
Time for a road pionner to show up the latest achievement
Cofiroute is a french major motorway builder and operator. Its latest addition is the first leg of the dual level A86 which will eventually link Reuil Malmaison with Versailles in a little bit more than 10 minutes instead of 45 minutes through current road links
(in french, but the animation shows how it works)
The motorway is
entirely set underground,
in a two level tunnel,
each coming up with 3 lanes of dedicated single way traffic
so accident by frontal collision should be impossible
Trucks and two wheelers are banned together with vehicle higher than 2.80 meters
As the company will have to recoup costly and lengthy investment, access won't be free
Cofiroute offers 35 % off its published fare to customers who accept purshasing a LIBER-T (shortning of Liberté, ie Freedom) electronic pass.
So in order to reach the largest number of potential customers, the company's sales department has been standing up-front
at La Défense Business District,
starting with 4-Temps shopping mall for quite a few days
and supplemented by large billboard affixed on Elysées-La Défence front and visible from all over the adjacent plazza, across which thousands walk back and forth day-in, day-out.
Today, a customized van hosting a complete sale office has been added to the operational plan.
(in french, but the animation shows how it works)
The motorway is
entirely set underground,
in a two level tunnel,
each coming up with 3 lanes of dedicated single way traffic
so accident by frontal collision should be impossible
Trucks and two wheelers are banned together with vehicle higher than 2.80 meters
As the company will have to recoup costly and lengthy investment, access won't be free
Cofiroute offers 35 % off its published fare to customers who accept purshasing a LIBER-T (shortning of Liberté, ie Freedom) electronic pass.
So in order to reach the largest number of potential customers, the company's sales department has been standing up-front
starting with 4-Temps shopping mall for quite a few days
and supplemented by large billboard affixed on Elysées-La Défence front and visible from all over the adjacent plazza, across which thousands walk back and forth day-in, day-out.

Libellés :
4 Temps,
Duplex A86,
Elysées-La Défense,
La Défense,
Reuil Malmaisons,
mardi 22 septembre 2009
The best ride to SERENITY

Can be provided by paying a visit to this Van Hool motorcoach converted as a touring information counter on behalf of UMC, a mutual insurance company. ( and parked not far away Calder's towering red iron sculpture.
A crew member making a presentation of health insurences to future subscribers for serenity

Libellés :
La Défense,
Mutuelles UMC,
VanHool Motorcoaches
lundi 21 septembre 2009
Pigeons can also make another use of things

Business as usual, it's lunch time and quite a few sat on the popular steps leading to the Grande Arche, trying their lucks for crumbs, pigeons routinely mess around and get chased by some gestures of dispair !
Well, some of those flyers got smarter than their stablemates
by recycling those disused flagpoles
into resting pads. Off-course, they refrain from demanding a complete pigeonhouse !
Well, some of those flyers got smarter than their stablemates

Libellés :
Grand Arche,
La Défense,
vendredi 18 septembre 2009
While some sample golf and skateboarding nearby
others pay attention to another marquee just a couple of yards away.

Colgate and UFSBD, France's non-profit society for Dental Healf and Protection jointly campagn in favor of a 3rd daily tooth cleaning set for after lunch time,
Office staff members being briefed of what's up inside.
Once inside, a dental cleaning kit consisting of a tooth-brush, a sample tooth paste tube and a sample of PLAX mouth lotion, together with an hard paper disk and a plastic cup come next as give-aways. The models behind the latters are for display.

Before entering this inflated bubble shaped marquee, one normally fills and signs a form of visit, which in turn will call for donating a similar kit to an homeless. Actual hand over to beneficiaries will be undertaken by the french social dedicated department of the EMS.
Then comes time for washing one's teeth.
Upon request, a dentist performs a lookup.
When back to the open air, I sized the opportunity to capture on memory card this
Merry-go-round which is not only a fixture of the plazza, but one of the earliest resident attraction as well. It originally sat close to the 4-temps shopping mall, but was moved across this part of the plazza to its current location a few years ago.

Before entering this inflated bubble shaped marquee, one normally fills and signs a form of visit, which in turn will call for donating a similar kit to an homeless. Actual hand over to beneficiaries will be undertaken by the french social dedicated department of the EMS.
Then comes time for washing one's teeth.
Upon request, a dentist performs a lookup.
When back to the open air, I sized the opportunity to capture on memory card this

Libellés :
La Défense,
mercredi 16 septembre 2009
Decathlon Grand Opening Today
Member of Auchan group of companies, Décathlon has picked up a strategic location in the rejuvenated CNIT/Convention & Exhibition National Center to set up a new sport and leisure focused department store. Today, France number 1 retail company in sport goods proceeds to the grand opening of its newest addition.
To better go along with the event, and not deterred by bad weather, Décathlon also pitched its village of marquees and attractions on the central plazza at the foot of the now rejuvenated CNIT and close by the Grande Arche.
The stage is set until next Sunday.
As far official bodies are concerned, local based non profit societies focusing in sport together with dedicated federations have been invited to set up a field office.
While a Sécurité Civile (Lifeguard dept) ambulance referred as Pluton (Pluto) 925 stays on alert for bruises in case of.
Supervised by specialized instructors, attractions are to allow free sampling of quite a few sports including
Poney riding, the large white marquee behind houses Judo and combat sports
and Golf
Not yet the rush hour as it's not yet lunch time either. Ranging from dedicated instructors to Pluto 925's crew members, everyone is already on the alert.
Supervised by specialized instructors, attractions are to allow free sampling of quite a few sports including
Libellés :
La Défense,
Sécurité Civile
samedi 12 septembre 2009
Day # 4, July 2nd, the show can begin.

Part of the welcome comitee.

Our Giga Fiat 500CC is in one piece,

the stage is set,

And a fellow photographer is already at work

Behind the driver's wheel
dimanche 6 septembre 2009
jeudi 3 septembre 2009
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